DRAFT: BENCH/ Omnichannel

Adobe Commerce
Client Success, Data, Digital Transformation, Marketing, Search, Strategy, Systems Architecture
BENCH/ is the Philippines' largest homegrown Lifestyle and Fashion Apparel branch that offers premium quality products at affordable prices for everybody, for every day.

Throughout the years, BENCH/ has achieved the distinction of setting up shop in over 600 locations in the Philippines and has built a worldwide network of stores and outlets, reaching as far as the United States, the Middle East, and China.

The Overdose. Asia crew collaborated with the team at BENCH/, Suyen Corporation in the Philippines to conduct a comprehensive audit of their Adobe Commerce site. Building upon the insights gathered during the audit, we were entrusted with the responsibility of implementing the recommended marketing growth strategies to enhance traffic and engagement on BENCH/'s branded website and marketplace properties, including Zalora, Shopee, and Lazada. Through a tailored approach, we sought to drive meaningful results and contribute to BENCH/'s overall digital success.


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Enhancing Marketing Efficiency for Marketplaces and the BENCH/ website

In order to maximise marketing efficiency for BENCH/, our team needed to understand and evaluate the relative efficiency across various sales channels, including marketplaces and the BENCH/ website. The unique nature of marketplaces posed a difficulty in accurately tracking revenue and comparing data across different marketing activities. With limited visibility into revenue tagging and varying levels of data availability, it became essential to establish a unified and reliable source of truth for performance comparison across sales channels.


To overcome this, we integrated Meta collaborative (CPAS) ads with marketplace revenue data, enabling a comprehensive view of revenue efficiency across all marketing activities. By combining these sources of data, we were able to provide BENCH/ with a holistic understanding of their performance across different sales channels. This approach facilitated easy interpretation and analysis of activities, empowering Bench to make informed decisions and optimize their marketing strategies across various platforms.

Tailored Marketing Approach For Each Marketplace and the BENCH/ website

Each marketplace, such as Shopee, Lazada, and Zalora, differs in its compatibility with Google and Meta ads. The BENCH/ website stands out as the most versatile platform, enabling revenue tagging and offering greater opportunities for customisation. To optimise user experience, it is essential to leverage the built-in functionalities of each marketplace and strategically showcase the BENCH/ website content. However, retargeting users outside the marketplace's walled garden becomes a hurdle due to platform limitations. Our challenge lies in finding innovative ways to showcase the BENCH/ website within the right context and capture users for retargeting, ultimately enhancing brand visibility and driving business growth.


To address the diverse marketing landscape across marketplaces and the BENCH/ website, our team devised an omnichannel marketing approach tailored to each sales channel. We implemented strategic solutions such as deep-linking to Shopee through the Google stack, ensuring a seamless user experience and maximizing reach. Additionally, we leveraged lower funnel Google stack strategies to optimize marketing efforts for the BENCH/ website, targeting users at the most critical stages of the customer journey. By customizing our approach to suit each platform's strengths, we were able to drive efficient and effective marketing campaigns, capturing the attention of prospective customers and delivering impactful results for BENCH/.

Unleashing Growth for the BENCH/ Brand

Once the initial challenges have been addressed, the next step is to focus on fostering growth for the BENCH/ brand across all marketing activities. There was an exisiting primary focus on Meta activity, which only covers a portion of the consumer journeys required to enhance brand discovery and drive purchase intent. It is essential to diversify and broaden marketing efforts by incorporating a wider range of channels and touch points. We needed to strategically approach additional channels to effectively foster brand growth and ensure a comprehensive reach to target audiences.


We proposed a solution that involved shifting upper-funnel marketing efforts to robust brand growth channels such as YouTube and TikTok. These channels would be carefully tested to assess their revenue potential for both the BENCH/ website and marketplaces. It is important to note that the evaluation process for each marketplace needs to be tailored, as these channels operate differently from the traditional performance-based revenue attribution channels. By exploring and leveraging these platforms, we aim to unlock new growth opportunities for the BENCH/ brand while ensuring a strategic and data-driven approach to maximize results.

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Increased marketplace ROAS : Lazada
Increased marketplace ROAS : Shopee
Increased marketplace ROAS : Zalora
Increased brand.com ROAS : BENCH/ Website
Increased Marketplace Revenue Growth Potential : Lazada
Increased Marketplace Revenue Growth Potential : Shopee