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CRO : Aotea Made

AI & Personalisation, Automation & Segmentation, Conversion Optimisation, Creative, Data Driven UX & UI, Marketing, Platform Implementation, Search, Strategy, Subscriptions & Loyalty, Systems Architecture, Technology
Inspired by mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge), this knowledge manifests itself in Aotea's range of New Zealand-made therapeutic products inspired by traditional Māori herbal remedies, supported by scientific research.

Aotea Made partnered with Overdose. for marketing support and strategic Conversion rate optimisations(CRO) enhancements to fuel growth. With a focus on achieving growth within a set profitability target and establishing a robust online presence, Aotea Made aimed to invest in proven strategies for sustainable expansion.

By implementing a strategic and data-driven approach, Aotea Made successfully expanded its online footprint, significantly boosted sales, and improved overall marketing efficiency.


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Lack of Comprehensive Strategy and Audience Definition

Aotea Made struggled with a lack of a comprehensive full-funnel strategy and a clearly defined audience profile. Despite having a strong in-house content team, they were uncertain about which creative content would be effective for paid campaigns.


We implemented a robust full-funnel strategy that increased brand awareness among new audiences and engaged existing customers, providing reassurance about the effectiveness of our approach. Extensive audience research was conducted to identify target customers interested in organic skincare and a sustainable lifestyle. We developed media playbooks for Aotea Made, sharing best practices for creative content and offering recommendations for Meta and Google Ads.

By implementing a consistent, always-on advertising approach and additional promotional activities during peak seasons, we achieved notable results within the first month. Furthermore, we devised a lead generation strategy for paid social channels to grow the email database, thereby supporting their email marketing efforts.


Paid media efficiency was enhanced by attracting high-quality traffic to the site. We are proud to announce that we surpassed the ROI target by 16%.
*During the peak season from October to December 2023.
**Over the seven months from October 2023 to April 2024.
Google Ads | Increased Ad Spend
Google Ads | Increased Click-through Rate
Google Ads | Increased Revenue
Meta Ads | Increased Media Spend
Meta Ads | Increased Middle of Funnel (MOF) Traffic
Meta Ads | Increased Purchases
Meta Ads | Increased New leads converting to New Subscribers
Increased Online Sales YOY*
Increased Online Sessions YOY*
Increased Online Sales YOY**
Increased Online Sessions YOY**
Increased Conversion Rate
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The Aotea Made design audit identified key opportunities to reshape the way users discover products. A core challenge was ensuring that users received clear and digestible product information as soon as they landed on a category page.

Understanding that users make quick decisions based on initial impressions, our approach was to ensure essential details about each product were immediately visible on the product cards. This helps users quickly find and explore items that catch their interest.

Additionally, we aimed to create more product opportunities and upsell throughout the user journey. By making it easier for users to find and understand products, we encouraged exploration into complimentary items. We also prioritised educating customers about product usage and purpose. Aotea Made offers a diverse range of products, and it was sometimes unclear how to use them or what benefits they provided. To address this, we enriched the product pages with comprehensive educational content, including detailed descriptions, usage instructions, and benefit explanations. This approach helps customers make more informed decisions and feel confident in their purchases.

Since implementing our updated designs, the transformation of Aotea Made’s website has been both smooth and effective. The improved visibility of product information and detailed educational content has created a cohesive and engaging shopping experience. These improvements not only make it easier for customers to discover and understand products but also drive higher product interaction and upsell opportunities. The project’s success is reflected in the seamless integration of new design elements, making the user journey more intuitive and enjoyable.