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DRAFT: Email Automation: FootMotion

Automation & Segmentation, Creative, Customer Journey Mapping, Digital Transformation, Email, Marketing, Strategy, Systems Architecture
FootMotion was founded in 2015, starting as a footwear store and podiatrist clinic.
They stock functional footwear, fitted perfect for your unique requirements. After all, just like a fingerprint, everyone has different feet with different needs.

Traditionally entrenched in the brick-and-mortar domain, FootMotion has undergone a remarkable transformation in the past year, redirecting its attention towards bolstering the eCommerce dimension of its enterprise. Through a close-knit partnership, the Overdose. email automation team has played a pivotal role in shaping FootMotion's digital trajectory and has meticulously curated a comprehensive array of automated workflows. These workflows have been intricately crafted to encompass every facet of the customer journey, spanning from in-store interactions to the dynamic realm of online retail.


As part of the project, Overdose. seamlessly integrated FootMotion's Klaviyo account with their Shopify store, facilitating the synchronisation of data across critical business systems. These integrations enable FootMotion to harmonise its vital eCommerce data with its back-of-house systems, encompassing orders and customer information. This synchronisation empowers FootMotion to enhance its customer targeting strategies by leveraging comprehensive and current insights.
shopify -black-logo


Bridging the Gap Between In-Store and Online Customer Data

FootMotion's customer base spans both eCommerce and in-store shoppers, yet in-store customers were excluded from FootMotion's marketing ecosystem.


Overcoming this challenge involved the creation of a custom connector between their POS system, Retail Express, and the existing Shopify store. This connector seamlessly syncs customer data inside Klaviyo, ensuring a holistic view of FootMotion's customer base.

Enhancing Email Performance and Engagement

Amidst growing competition and evolving consumer preferences, the task was to maximise open rates, click-through rates (CTRs), and conversions for email flows.


To address this challenge, personalized recommendations and incentives tailored to individual preferences were implemented to boost engagement and drive conversions. They prioritised mobile responsiveness and catered to increased users accessing emails via mobile devices.

Achieving Design Harmony Across Email Flows

The challenge lay in maintaining visual consistency and brand identity across a suite of five email flows while ensuring each flow had its unique appeal and purpose.


Employing modular email design techniques, flexible templates were created that could be easily customised for each flow while adhering to overarching design principles, ensuring consistency while allowing for individuality.

Scaling Personalisation Efforts

Amidst a crowded inbox landscape, the goal was to maintain email relevance and leverage Klaviyo's dynamic product recommendation feeds for scalable personalisation.


Leveraging Klaviyo's dynamic feeds, personalized product recommendations tailored to individual preferences and behaviours were curated. Segmentation strategies based on purchase history, browsing activity, and demographic data were implemented to dynamically deliver relevant content, ultimately leading to increased open rates, click-through rates, and conversions for FootMotion.

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam mattis velit ut ante lobortis aliquam. Praesent turpis lorem, ullamcorper eget faucibus eget, eleifend vel eros. Nulla vitae tristique tortor. In consectetur suscipit cursus. Donec volutpat, leo bibendum faucibus ornare, leo neque placerat est, vitae suscipit ipsum lacus quis velit."
Lucy Day
Marketing Manager


Flow Open Rate
Flow Click-Through-Rate
Flow Click-To-Open-Rate

Master Template Design Approach

We collaborated closely with the Footmotion team during the design phase of their project to address their customer communication needs. Our primary objective was to create an Email Master Template that aligns with Footmotion’s brand aesthetics and allows for easy customisation for future email campaigns. Consistent with FootMotion’s commitment to perfecting every step, we aimed to ensure that online customers could truly appreciate the quality of FootMotion’s shoes and that their messaging was communicated clearly.

A key focus was to ensure that the email template would be feasible to build in Klaviyo. We used web-safe fonts and FootMotion’s brand colour palette to maintain a consistent look. The template was designed to enable easy editing of text and image blocks, empowering FootMotion’s marketing team to adapt and reuse these elements for various email flows. This approach ensures that each email within the automation sequence maintains the brand’s aesthetics and incorporates best practice blocks to enhance the overall customer experience and maximize conversion rates. Through this holistic approach, FootMotion can leverage Klaviyo’s capabilities to their fullest extent, reinforcing customer loyalty and boosting revenue

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