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Shopify Plus
Competitor Research, Keyword & Audience Research, Marketing, Reporting & Attribution, Search, SEO Migration, Strategy & Audits
FRANKIE4 is an innovative fashion label changing the way women experience shoes. Their mission is to take wellness to the next level with award-winning, Podiatrist-designed support for game-changing comfort in every cleverly cushioned step. Their shoes are taking women further. Healthily empowering us with the confidence to kick goals at home, work and play. More human than a brand, they spoil their customers (and their feet) with the love and attention they deserve, while following their heart to improve the lives of Australian families and do better for our precious planet.

The Overdose. Australia team collaborated with Frankie4 on a transformative project, focusing on the Retheme of their US, AU, and NZ websites. Together, we developed a customer experience that elevated the online experience and laid a foundation for future growth. Our shared goal was not only to refresh the website creatively but also to integrate innovative features that align with the commitment we take pride in, enhancing user experiences.

Throughout this journey, we worked closely with the Frankie4 team, ensuring every detail resonated with their brand identity and aspirations. Grounded in humility and dedication, the approach was driven by the desire to craft a digital space that truly reflects Frankie4's values and resonates with their customers, while displaying a harmonious blend of design and functionality.


Shopify Plus Partner Logo
Gorgias Logo
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Increasing Non-Branded Organic Search Traffic in the Australian Market

There was a demand to generate significant organic search traffic from users who were not already familiar with the brand. While the existing customer base was engaged and knowledgeable about FRANKIE4, capturing the attention of new users through unbranded searches proved to be a hurdle. The goal was to increase visibility and attract organic traffic from users who were seeking relevant products and solutions but were not yet aware of the FRANKIE4 brand.


To enhance the visibility of unbranded keywords on the FRANKIE4 website, we embarked on a comprehensive competitor and keyword research process. This analysis allowed us to identify keyword gaps and strategically expand the website's structure by introducing new categories that targeted alternative ways users search for products, such as by style, color, and material. To reinforce this optimization effort, we implemented internal linking strategies, schema markup, and content optimization techniques. As a result, we observed a significant increase in unbranded clicks, with a 144% year-on-year growth when comparing December 2021 (250 unbranded clicks) to December 2022 (683 unbranded clicks). Our focus on ranking for core categories, including white sneakers, house shoes, and teachers' shoes, successfully attracted new non-branded traffic to the FRANKIE4 website. This achievement demonstrates our commitment to driving organic search traffic and expanding brand reach for our clients.

Driving Revenue Growth and Brand Awareness in the US Market

Entering the vast US market was an exciting challenge, with a target market to identify and engage with, the scale and competition posed a formidable task. Balancing a limited budget with the need to raise brand awareness and generate a return on investment was crucial. As a relatively unknown brand in the US market, the challenge was to strategically build awareness while delivering tangible results to establish a strong foothold in the competitive landscape.


We implemented various strategies and tactics to overcome the challenge faced by FRANKIE4. One of our approaches involved leveraging Meta's Advantage+ Shopping campaign, utilizing machine learning to discover new customers. While this campaign proved successful in other markets, budget limitations hindered its efficiency in the US. Therefore, we adjusted our overall strategy by focusing on high-converting regions based on Google Analytics data. This allowed us to increase revenue and brand awareness in those areas while optimizing our budget allocation. As a result, we observed an increase in last-click conversions across Paid Social, Direct, and Organic channels. To ensure the effectiveness of this approach, we closely monitored traffic increases while maintaining or improving Google Analytics conversion rates for each targeted region. This data-driven testing approach enabled us to drive sustainable growth and achieve impactful results for FRANKIE4 Footwear.

Evolving the Perception of an Australian Consumer Brand

FRANKIE4 Footwear, as a podiatry-founded brand, had successfully established a reputation among Australian women for comfort and health-conscious shoe styles. However, they aimed to broaden their brand perception and enter the fashion footwear market while still maintaining their core values. The challenge was to shift consumer perception and expand their customer base by showcasing the fashion-forward and stylish aspects of FRANKIE4 while retaining the comfort and wellness elements that set them apart.


By adapting the messaging on paid channels to align with the brand's new tone of voice, we effectively highlighted the product benefits of comfort and quality designs. To successfully enter the fashion footwear market, we utilized DataFeedWatch, a third-party product feed management tool, to feature lifestyle images in product feeds. Additionally, we customized product titles and fields with fashion-forward messaging to resonate with the target market. Through paid social campaigns, we tested engagement using interest-based targeting on cold audiences. Furthermore, leveraging the machine learning capabilities of Meta's Advantage+ Shopping campaign, we successfully expanded new customer purchases. This comprehensive solution allowed FRANKIE4 Footwear to establish a stronger presence in the fashion footwear market, attracting new customers and driving growth.

Enhancing the Frankie4 User Experience

We were required to craft an updated website design that both honours the essence of the Frankie4 brand and enriches the user experience for their valued customers.


Elevating the Frankie4 user experience was at the heart of our focus, and to achieve this, the collaboration between our team and Frankie4 was key. Together, we embarked on an in-depth exploration of the project, diving into competitor analysis and ideation. This collective effort led us to craft distinct designs that authentically resonated with the brand's identity, spoke to their desired audience, and seamlessly guided customers through a satisfying journey from website browsing to a seamless checkout experience.

"Partnering with Overdose. has been game-changing not only from a performance perspective but also operationally. As anyone who has coordinated website redesigns is across, the project involves many moving parts. Having digital experience owned completely and competently by Overdose., we were able to move with agility to ensure the website design, cutover, digital marketing and post-launch conversion rate optimisation was considered and executed successfully."
Jessica Skinner
Senior Head of Digital - eCommerce & Marketing

Results & Insights

Period: Mar 2022 - Feb 2023 vs Previous Year
AUS : Increased Revenue YOY
AUS :Increased New Site User Traffic
USA : Increased Revenue YOY
USA : Increased Conversion Rate YOY
Increased Unbranded Traffic In Organic Search YOY
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The Overdose. design team collaborated with FRANKiE4 to create a customer experience journey that perfectly embodies an editorial aesthetic while striking a harmonious balance between fashion and science. Together, we crafted a compelling outcome that reflects their brand identity and vision.

One key area of focus was the size guide, which we aimed to make easily accessible and informative for users. Our objective was to provide comprehensive sizing information in both written and visual formats, accompanied by guidance on selecting the right sole saver. By empowering users with this knowledge, we ensured they could confidently choose the correct shoe size that perfectly fits their needs.

The structure of the homepage received meticulous attention, considering the unique requirements of both new and returning users. For new customers, we designed a brand-focused homepage that intuitively guides them towards the right products, highlighting the essence of FRANKiE4’s offerings. On the other hand, for returning users, we prioritized site personalization, curating bespoke product recommendations tailored to their preferences and previous interactions.

By emphasizing both the brand’s vision and the customers’ needs, we created an engaging online experience that reflects FRANKiE4’s commitment to providing scientifically supported footwear for women.
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