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Seed Heritage

Salesforce Commerce Cloud
AI & Personalisation, Audience Intelligence, Automation & Segmentation, Campaign Management, Content Strategy, Marketing, Reporting & Attribution, Search, Technical Optimisation
Seed Heritage (Brandbank) partnered with Overdose Digital to evolve its digital presence and strategy across Australia & New Zealand. Working with our SEO, Paid Social, and Paid Search teams, Overdose was able to dramatically improve Seed’s presence across multiple channels and put in place several digital marketing strategies to support our business objectives, which were evolving rapidly throughout the early weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic. This effort resulted in significant growth across all key digital metrics and supported Seed Heritage to reach new highs, by all measures of success.


Launching Seed Heritage into the Paid Search space

When Seed partnered with Overdose, they had no Paid Search Advertising running, which was a very large untapped opportunity that required immediate action.


Worked closely with Google's New Business department to onboard Seed quickly and efficiently, setting up urgent campaigns and then scaling the approach and media budget over time.

Restructuring Facebook Ads to best practice

The existing campaign structure required greater diversity in campaigns, budget allocation based on performance, and greater reliance on dynamic ad formats.


Overhauled the Facebook Ads Account and rebuilt to best practice structure, utilising dynamic ad formats and conversion objectives to drive outcomes.

Leveraging CRM data in paid campaigns

Seed has a large database in Emarsys, and we wanted to utilise this data to our advantage and to create the best user experience for customers.


We leveraged audience data available in Emarsys to import specific category shoppers and high-value customer data into Facebook Ads Manager and Google Ads. This allowed us to specifically target audiences with relevant ads and create lookalike audiences to reach like-minded individuals.

Diversifying Channel mix to improve reach

Seed had primarily used paid and organic Facebook marketing to reach new users, limiting the available digital touchpoints to engage with people online.


After successfully rolling out highly profitable search and shopping campaigns, we rolled out coordinated Youtube and Display campaigns to promote major sales events and new season launches. These channels had an immediate impact on results and were brought into the regular always-on channel mix.

Demystifying Search to Social incrementally

One of the challenges in an increasingly complex digital ecosystem is understanding the true value and interplay between channels, particularly on social investments, which often have an influence on the top and middle part of the customer journey.


Working with our Facebook agency team, we set up a “Search to Social” pilot study to analyse and better understand the impact that social advertising has on a user’s search behaviour. The study identified thousands of successful conversions that were being initiated on social media and completed via search channels. These findings allowed us to optimise the overall media mix into campaigns that are having the greatest impact on performance.

"Brandbank partnered with Overdose at the beginning of the COVID-19 lockdowns and were onboarded entirely by video conference. Whilst an unusual way to start such an important partnership, it did not hold the team back in any way.

Overdose successfully navigated the challenges and embraced our brands as if they were part of the team. Overdose was able to dramatically improve our presence across multiple channels and put in place several different digital marketing strategies in a short time frame to support our business objectives, which were evolving rapidly throughout the early weeks of the pandemic. This effort resulted in significant growth across all key digital metrics and supported our brands to reach new highs, by all measures of success.

Overdose is a trusted partner of Brandbank and is pivotal to our ongoing success."

Objective & Insights

Objectives: Expand Seed’s digital presence by increasing platform presence and maturity of campaign set-up Integrate strategy, messaging, and creativity across Paid Social and Paid Search for a consistent customer journey Increase online revenue and ROAS Adapt to store closures due to COVID-19, and increased focus on online store performance Capture branded search away from distributors/wholesalers Support sale activity and increase awareness of promotions
Up 54% YoY
Paid Social ROAS
Up 134% YoY (43x ROAS)
Paid Search ROAS