Shopify Plus
AI & Personalisation, Applications & Extensions, Platform Implementation, Subscriptions & Loyalty, Systems Architecture, Technology
Salomon has been playing in the French alps since 1947. Their passion for outdoor sports, new technologies and craftsmanship has driven them - and still does - to create progressive gear to enable you to freely enjoy and challenge yourself in the great outdoors.

The Overdose. team joined forces with the Amer Sport team many years ago, the parent company behind Salomon. With a global relaunch set in motion, Overdose. worked in collaboration to deliver improved site design and functionality.

Salomon was previously managing a Shopify theme which hadn’t been updated over time to cater for updated brand guidelines. This led us to upgrade their site with Shopify 2.0 functionality, mainly to improve the inconsistency across design and functionality across the site and inconsistencies in the data management, making it more efficient to manage.

The Salomon project is a Shopify plus build with a Klaviyo and Boost commerce integration, along with Stamped for reviews. Rolling our localized sites to support various international markets, the optimised technical architecture allow greater flexibility in managing the site and better capacity in supporting marketing efforts.


Overdose. integrated the Shopify Plus site with Salomon existing tech stack, which includes SAP, Klaviyo, Boost Commerce and Stampede. With the new theme upgrade, Overdose. ensured a seamless transition to all of the integrated eCommerce applications, allowing greater efficiency in the whole project build.
Shopify Plus Partner Logo
Stamped Logo


Improvement in design and functionality

Salomon were managing a Shopify theme which hadn't been updated to cater to updated brand guideline and advancement in Shopify 2.0 functionality resulting in a pain point for the internal Salomon team.


Overdose. updated the theme with Shopify 2.0 functionality and adjusted the site to cater to the updated global brand guidelines.

Improvement in data management

In updating product data, Salomon's internal team was facing issues with inefficient data management and outdated data structure, making it timely to manage.


Overdose. implemented a variety of meta fields and tags throughout the product page, allowing Salomon's internal team easier access to updating product data.

Aggressive timeline for launch

With the global website re-theme date being set as a hard deadline, there was minimal room for error during the 2-month project timeline.


Overdose. implemented a clear project scope and requirements based on the global project brief to ensure that the global launch date deadline was met.

Upgrade to the Product page element

The new product page includes a panel that shows the overviews of the product that is dynamically pulled from the product data.


Overdose. set up the product page to ensure that the overview panels can be updated globally through theme customiser and dynamically pull data from the product back end.

"Salomon and Overdose. have been working together since 2019 to deliver the brand's global eCommerce vision to the local market. In 2022 Salomon celebrated 75 years and along with it came a rebrand and new site design. As with all projects, there were tight timelines to align with the global rollout, to ensure on-time delivery Overdose. adjusted the delivery method to support a more agile testing and deployment process, and made themselves completely available, supporting us whilst we learnt the new system processes."
- Amer Sports Team